High Point Awards
High point awards are leaderboard based and presented to the rider or coach who meets the award criteria, has registered (where necessary) and accumulated the highest total points in one of the categories,

High Point Rider
No registration is required.
This award is presented to the rider who has accumulated the highest total points for their top two placing horses at the EV110 and EV115 levels. Totals are calculated from the top eight scores during the season. Based on the leaderboard. Winner receives a resin trophy of a horse’s head.
Veteran Rider Award
To qualify for this award, a rider must:
Register before the last horse trial of the season
Be 50 years of age or older as of January 1,
Never have competed above the EV110 level, and
Accumulate the most points on the same horse during the season.
Totals are calculated from the top eight scores during the season. Based on the leaderboard.

Registration is required.

Weekend Warrior Award - EV85
This award is given to the top horse/rider combinations in the EV85 division (based on the leaderboard).
To qualify for this award a rider must:
Register for the Weekend Warrior (formerly Novice Adult) Award in order to start accumulating points!
Be 21 years of age or older as of January 1,
Never have competed above EV85
Registration is required.
Weekend Warrior Award - EV90
Registration is required.
This award is given to the top horse/rider combinations in the EV90 division (based on the leaderboard).
To qualify for this award a rider must:
Register for the Weekend Warrior (formerly Novice Adult) Award in order to start accumulating points!
Be 21 years of age or older as of January 1,
Never have competed above EV90

Adult Rider Team Challenge
Open to OEA members over the age of 21 on January 1. Your team must register for the Adult Rider Team Challenge before you can start collecting points. You may register as a team or an individual. Teams may be made up of three or four riders and can be at different levels and different locations across the province.
Team members earn individual scores at every sanctioned Ontario horse trial they attend. Point scores will be calculated and added to a leaderboard maintained by the Schooling Days and Adult Riders Committee. During the pilot phase, in cases where no score is recorded (e.g., Elimination or Retirement), 100 penalty points will be assigned for the purposes of scoring the Team Challenge. Also for scoring, each rider’s score is multiplied by a coefficient to account for differences in level difficulty. The following coefficient system will be used during the pilot phase: EV60: 1.0; EV75: .97; EV85: 0.95; EV90: 0.90; EV100: 0.85; EV105: 0.80; EV110: 0.75.
To determine the winning team, the Committee will take each rider’s best four scores over the season. Teams with four members may drop their highest score. If any team member did not complete four competitions, the Committee will apply a place holder score of 100 penalty points so that all teams have 12 scores to calculate their overall placing for the season.
The team with the fewest penalty points wins. The top three team are eligible for OEA year-end ribbons and prizes.
A rider is free to join more than one team on different horses.
A rider may also join one team with multiple horses. The horses must all be listed on the Adult Rider Team Challenge registration form and the Rider may enter any of the listed horses in a given HT.
If only one horse is entered in a HT, then that score counts towards the Team Challenge score.
ï‚·If more than one horse is entered in any given HT, the Rider is asked to send an email to info@ontarioeventing.ca declaring, before the HT starts, which horse’s score will count towards their Team Challenge total for that HT. If the rider does not declare, the OEA will use an average of the scores earned by each horse entered by the Rider at the HT as the score for the Team Challenge.
​During the 2024 season while the award is in its pilot phase, teams will have until August 15 to register, and results already achieved will be applied retroactively. During the off-season, the operation of this Team Challenge will be assessed, and modifications might be proposed.
Registration is required. Open until August 15, 2024.
Coach of the Year Award
Registration is required. Open until August 15, 2024.
Available to all licensed eventing coaches each year. The prize will be awarded to the coach whose students earn the highest number of leaderboard points at sanctioned horse trials by the end of the season. All divisions are weighted equally.
To be eligible, coaches must:
Be EC-licensed eventing coaches in 2024 and certified from 2025 onwards.
Register for the Coach of the Year award with a list of students they coach and bring to sanctioned horse trials.
The Coach of the Year leaderboard will be maintained by an OEA volunteer associated with the Coaching & Education Committee. The award will be announced each year at the Annual General Meeting.
The winner will receive a branded ‘OEA Coach of the Year’ golf’ jacket and a $250 cash prize.
During the 2024 season, while the award is in its pilot phase, teams will have until August 15 to register and results will be applied retroactively.