Member Nominated Awards
Nominate your fellow riders, superstar horses and volunteers! Nominations are now open and will close on October 14, 2024.

Hall of Fame Award
This award was created to acknowledge special equine athletes who have distinguished themselves during their careers. Up for consideration are not just the horses who have carried our top riders to the podium, but those steadfast backyard ponies and school horses who have nurtured one after another of our young riders, helping them build confidence and aspire to greater achievements.
Candidates for this award will be nominated by the OEA members and the successful candidate will be decided on by the OEA Board of Directors. The winner will be honoured on our website Hall of Fame Gallery. Depending on the nominations, there may not be a winner selected every year.
When submitting a nomination, please include a detailed description of why you think your nominee should be the successful candidate. The owner of the winner receives a large, shield plaque embossed with a digital image of their winning horse/pony.
The Barbara Beaudoin Preliminary (EV110) Rider Bursary
This award is given in honour of a wonderful horsewoman who felt a great passion for the sport of eventing, and the spirit of the amateur competitor trying to make it to the top.
This $1000 bursary will be awarded to an EV110 level rider who:
Is currently striving to compete at the international level but is still considered an ’amateur’,
Has consistently competed at the EV110 level,
Earns minimal income from the horse industry,
Exemplifies great sportsmanship and horsemanship, and
Has set their sights on the future and is excited to work to achieve their goals.
Nominations should be addressed to The Beaudoin Family and must be in the form of a short narrative that clearly demonstrates how the nominee embodies the criteria for this award. Winner receives $1,000 and a plaque.

The Anne Zander Memorial Youth Horsemanship Award
This award is sponsored by the Rising Star Pony Club in memory of Anne Zander.
It is presented to an OEA member who:
Is under the age of 21 (as of January 1 of the year of the award)
Displays an outstanding sense of horsemanship and always puts the well-being of their mount ahead of their own success
Shows a keen responsibility for the health and well-being of their mount. For example, this could include attention to adequate warm-up and cool-down, making wise choices about their mount’s ability to continue in an event, and always treating their mount in a humane and respectful manner.
Candidates must be nominated by OEA members. Nominations should include a description of what makes the candidate a worthy recipient of this prestigious award.
Winner receives a plaque and $500.
Unsung Hero Award
This award is given to honour one of the many volunteers, parents and behind-the-scenes people who work all year and never ask for recognition.
Candidates must be nominated by OEA members and the winner is voted on by the OEA Board of Directors.
Winners receive $150 and a plaque.

Rubber Ducky Award
This award is given to the rider who makes a spectacular fall into the water during the season.
There may be more than one recipient of this award and the candidates are nominated by our membership.
Winner(s) receives a rubber duck trophy and a prize.