Adult Rider Program
The Adult Rider Program offers schooling, clinics and community-building opportunities for adult amateur riders.
New Adult Riders Team Challenge
The Adult Riders Team Challenge is a new award being offered in 2024. It has been developed to complement our existing Veteran Rider Award and Novice Adult Awards for both EV 85 and EV 90. Registration is required!
Teams may be made up of three or four riders who can be at different levels and in different locations in Ontario. Team members earn individual scores at every sanctioned Ontario horse trial they attend. Point scores will be calculated and added to a leaderboard maintained by the Schooling Days & Adult Riders Committee.
The team with the fewest penalty points wins. The top three team are eligible for OEA Year-End ribbons and prizes furnished by a sponsor.
For more information the Adult Riders Team Challenge, please go to the High Point Awards page.