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Amended May 13th OEA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Ontario Eventing Association Board of Directors Meeting

May 13, 2019

By Teleconference


(update as of July 8, 2019 as approved by OEA Board)

Present:  Deb Welna, Ann Neal, Caroline Abrahams, Terri Hough-Gilmour, Veronica Low, Kathleen Wilson, Charlotte Hodgson, Andrew McDermott, Mark Nelson, Pat Frewen-Lord, Kate Farrell.

Regrets: Lindsay Mahon, Shannon Nazar, Peta Christen, Cheryl Niemuller, Roseanne Corbett

Call to Order: 7:06 p.m.

  1. Meeting Opening

D. Welna opened the meeting and welcomed members.

  1. Frewen-Lord moved and D. Welna seconded and carried approval of agenda

  2. Low motioned, P. Frewen-Lord seconded and carried motion to accept minutes.

Review of Action Items from Last Meeting

  1. It was suggested that we advertise for a Treasurer on our Social Media

  2. It was confirmed that Roseanne reached out to Boogaloo about labels on the inside of pinnies

  3. Pat confirmed that we would organize a meeting of the Governance Committee

  4. It was noted that plans are still underway for the Sam Watson clinic

Matters for Discussion

Presidents Report

Director Attendance at Meetings

Deb reiterated the importance of attending meetings.  The OEA Bylaws state that members who miss more than three meetings in a row, may be required to step down unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Caroline and Deb will review attendance for the 2018-19 term.

Treasurer’s Report


  1. Committee Report Updates

Strategic Planning and Governance Committee

  1. Mark Nelson reported no actions to date but will convene a meeting soon.

Communications Committee

It was reported that there is lots of activity with social media posts and work continues on the updated website.  It was noted that there is significant workload with Communications activities and more people may be required to participate.  It was also suggested that planned emails, blasts and posts can be composed and approved in advance.  K. Wilson noted that a specific website development report has also been made available to Directors.   It was suggested that the OEA blogpost could be named the OEA Startbox and Directors were asked to provide any photos related to a startbox to Kathleen.  The goal is to launch by June and Kathleen was going to organize a website walkthrough in advance.

Athlete Development

Growing the Sport Committee

Ann Neal reported that the Club Z dressage day went very well and Peta provided amazing feedback to participants.  She is working on an Alternative Therapies session  and while she was in Kingston it was suggested that we see if we can organize a bus to Foshay.  Rider Fitness was another potential topic.

83 people are registered for Wits End and most are bringing their own coaches.  We also need to come up with a Falls policy for these shows which needs to be developed and approved by the Executive in advance of the event and posted on the website. 

The issue of compensation for coaches was also raised.  OEA is providing volunteer coaches – but some participants are bringing and paying their own coaches.  It was agreed that this would be examined at a debrief of the event.

YR/U25 Committee

  1. V. Low reported that the committee is developing two motions as it relates to prize money,  criteria for year end awards and the mentorship program.  She noted that the specific breakdown of cash prizing will be developed in consultation with the Executive.

Adult Athlete Development

  1. Mark Nelson noted nothing to report at this time.

Sponsorship Committee

  1. V. Low reported that discussions are ongoing with potential sponsors. C. Hodgson reminded the committee to advise her of confirmed sponsors so she can promote.

Competitions and Champs Committee

It was agreed that we should convene more meetings/calls with organizers to maintain our presence throughout the season.

On Champs, we were reminded by M. Nelson that EC actually has the authority to convene a provincial championship although responsibility had been delegated to provincial organizations in recent years.  However, EC has resurrected its interest in provincial championships and will be taking the lead on future events.  It was clarified that, technically, OEA should have sought permission from EC prior to suspending Champs in Ontario for 2019.  Deb did remind the group that an invitation was extended to all organizers to submit a proposal for 2019 champs and none was received.   It was noted that Deb should be included in all future discussions with the CEO of EC related to the future of Ontario championships. 


K Bailini will continue to be responsible for leaderboards

Volunteer Incentive Program Committee

We are continuing with the $50 draw at each competition and the committee was reminded that we need to promote this.  Last year the funds were distributed to the volunteers by secretaries and event organizers and we missed out on OEA promotion of winners.   Terri will confirm with Deb who should take photos and award the $ at events.

Banquet, AGM and Awards

It was confirmed that Roseanne will no longer be responsible for trophies, swag etc. for the AGM.  We are also retiring the leading lady and male rider awards in favour of overall high point rider.

It was subsequently moved by D. Welna, seconded by V. Low that the Leading Man and Leading Lady award categories will be modified to a single Leading Rider Champion and Reserve Champion based on highest year end points on the Leaderboard.

Funding Programs

  1. Frewen-Lord noted nothing to report at this time.

Officials, Safety and Rules

  1. Farrell reported that she has only one application for requalifying. There is a rumour that this will occur at the August Bromont event but we need confirmation from EC.

Next Meeting: June 10th 2019 – 7 p.m. by teleconference/zoom

Meeting Adjournment: 9:21 p.m. moved by V. Low and seconded by A. Neal


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