Ontario Eventing Association Board of Directors Meeting
August 12, 2019
By Teleconference
Present: Deb Welna, Ann Neal, Caroline Abrahams, Peta Christen, Veronica Low, Kathleen Wilson, Charlotte Hodgson, Mark Nelson, Andrew McDermott, Lindsay Mahon
Regrets: Roseanne Corbett, Terri Hough-Gilmour, Kate Farrell
Call to Order: 7:06 p.m.
Meeting Opening
Mahon moved and V. Low seconded and carried approval of agenda
Discussion ensued around the July minutes and the vote related to the Sam Watson Clinic. Based on rules of voting, and the subsequent electronic vote which took place with the entire Board membership, the July minutes were amended.
Low motioned, P. Frewen-Lord seconded and carried motion to accept amended minutes from July 9, 2019.
Matters for Discussion
Presidents Report
Letters re: Coach licensing and body protectors
It was identified that staff from the OE suggested the OEA Board write letters documenting concerns around the implementation of these two EC initiatives. P. Frewen Lord noted that there is not yet much detail on how the coach licensing intiative was going to be implemented – but there is an EC Eventing Committee scheduled for later this week and she will seek clarification there. It was agreed no letters would be drafted pending the outcome of the EC Eventing Committee meeting.
Director’s responsibilities
Welna reiterated the importance of Directors following through with their respective OEA obligations.
Treasurer’s Report
Corbett was not able to attend the meeting but it was noted that membership numbers for July were up from the previous month.
Committee Report Updates
Strategic Planning and Governance Committee
The Board discussed expenses incurred by Board members as a result of OEA business outside of OEA Board meetings and whether there should be an additional reimbursement policy. It was identified that members of the Communications Committee are using their personal data plans to post on social media and a few other board members are travelling to almost all of the shows related to YR/U25 activities. It was agreed that budget proposals would be developed for additional reimbursement related to Communications and YR/U25 activities. In addition we need policy to identify the types of board member activity that should be pre-approved to be eligible for reimbursement.
Nelson also reported that he would like to bring in an external facilitator to facilitate and write an OEA Strategic Plan. This should be someone who is familiar with equestrian sport. It was suggested that we engage in this activity in October and Mark will bring back a written proposal to the next meeting.
Develop a budget for expenses related to the Communications Committee – Char/Kathleen
Develop a budget for Director related expenses related to the YR/U25 Committee – Veronica
Develop policy and an estimated budget for travel on OEA business outside of Board meetings
Forward proposal for facilitation and development of an OEA Strategic Plan – Mark
Communications Committee
Char reported that they are still working on the website. The feedback on our newsblasts is that a handful of people unsubscribe each time, but majority of members appreciate reminders about closing dates. Social media numbers continue to rise and the frequency of posts will increase if they can get Directors to forward/approve content in advance. Kathleen added that she is working on shortform URLs for our content on the website and the plan is to soft launch later this month.
Athlete Development
Growing the Sport Committee
Ann noted that the Stevens Creek schooling day seemed to be a great success. Pat added that Selena was fantastic and we need to keep activities offered in the Eastern part of the province. The next event is Glen Arden which is well subscribed.
It was also announced that Kendal Lehari will be offering an FEI prep clinic in August in conjunction with YR/U25s. Everyone agreed that the schooling days and clinics were very successful and we need to start planning soon for 2020.
Kathleen reported on survey results from our Adult Amateur survey. We had an 11% response rate with suggestions for boot camps for AAs, and clinics on weekends. A lot of respondents wanted more schooling shows.
YR/U25 Committee
There has been a very positive response to all of the initiatives for YRs/U25s so far. They have awarded two travel grants and there is a 3 way tie for riders in the intermediate division. It was noted that the delay in Sam Watson’s travel plans required last minute adjustments to the schedule but riders were accommodating and Sam was outstanding. There was also a very successful YR clinic as part of the Steven’s Creek schooling day with Selena.
Athlete Development Committee
No report
Sponsorship Committee
Low reported she is working with more companies to attract sponsorships. 2 are related to products and 1 is monetary.
Competitions and Champs Committee
The committee will start reaching out to plan for 2020. Char has been very helpful and available to organizers to assist with their social media. We have also had a lot of great feedback with the format of the new leaderboard. We do need to solve the issue of our trailer giveaway for coaches. It is expected that more Adult Amateurs will win at the 2019 banquet.
Volunteer Incentive Program Committee
No report.
Banquet, AGM and Awards
We are investigating an external company to run the silent auction. The proceeds for any prize donated to us comes entirely to the OEA but in addition, the company sources their own items to add. This should enhance the interest in the auction as a fundraising opportunity and to offset the cost of tickets.
They are hoping to post the cost of tickets by Labour Day. Ideas for AGM seminars include a Social Media masterclass, licensing and regulations for trailering, and preventing barn fires. They are also working out the trophies. Deb provided an update on the plan to order customized C4 belts as a fundraiser.
Funding Programs
No specific report.
Officials, Safety and Rules
2020 rules are now complete via EC process.
Other issues:
Kathleen requested that other Directors review her survey results before posting. It was agreed it would be forwarded to the Executive for their review.
Next Meeting: Sep 9th, 2019 – 7 p.m. in person
Meeting Adjournment: 9:28 p.m. moved by V. Low and seconded by A. Neal